Overview You are challenged to work together in groups to construct a mini RCUK-style research grant. The list of grant calls is provided here. You are invited to choose a call area and to construct a grant that will be finalized and submitted during the CDT Summer School. You will also be invited to review each other’s grants during the Summer School, and submit your summary of their strengths and weaknesses to a mock Grant Panel. The winning group will be awarded a prize during the Summer School dinner. Mid-July to Mid September: You are advised to work in your groups during the period mid-July onwards. Pick one of the call topics and then begin to discuss ideas in advance of the Summer School. Time will be tight during the Summer School itself, so you are strongly encouraged to work together now. We suggest communicating by Email, Skype, Google Docs, teleconference (e.g. Conference Genie), etc. Each group will be sent the email contact details of all the members of their group. Sept 12th: The programme on the first day runs from 10:30 to 17:30, with arrival from 10:00. Much of the first day will be occupied with student oral and poster presentations. However, as part of the day there will be a session on “How to Construct a Successful Research Grant”. The evening (from 17:30 onwards) will be your first proper opportunity to meet face-to-face and refine your grant proposal. You will be given a list of restaurants and encouraged to go off and have dinner together to further discuss your ideas. Sept 13th: Morning: You will spend the morning working in your groups to complete your mini grant application (3 pages, see attached guidance notes here) and a brief slide presentation (3 slides), due by 12:45 (both to a provided email address). Lunch: Grants will be made available via a web site for you to download (please ensure that you have a computer/smart phone and an ability to access eduroam). Afternoon: You will each be assigned two grants to review (although you can access any you have time to look at). You should each aim to identify one strength and one weakness for the grants you are given to review (forms will be provided for you to write on). You should also convene in your groups and make a preliminary ranking of the grants (excluding your own). Later in the afternoon, each team will present their grant idea to a mock grant panel (5 minute presentation, 15 minute slot per group). After the coffee break the mock grant panel will rank the grants and decide on which will be “funded”. Evening: Main Summer School dinner, held in St John’s College Main Dining Hall. Prizes given for “Best Student Talk”, “Best Student Poster” and “Best Grant”