All EPSRC and MRC funded research must comply with RCUK's Open Access and Open Data requirements. For further information on these please see the following:
Open Access
Open Access information (Oxford)
Act on Acceptance information (Oxford) (information on mandatory requirement to deposit author-copy of final manuscript within 3 months of acceptance)
Sherpa Romeo resource (database of journal policies on Open Access)
Sherpa Juliet resource (database of funder requirements for Open Access)
Open Data information
Open Data information (Oxford) Oxford Research Archive (a curated repository for your research data, and source of a DOI for your data management statement)
Important acknowledgement text to be added by all ONBI-funded students to their papers (whether 1st author or co-author):
"This work was supported by funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) [grant number EP/L016052/1]."